WELLINGTON, PEI – April 26, 2013 – Employees of RDÉE PEI, the provincial francophone economic development council, had promised last to raise and contribute $800 to the Coopérative du Village des Sources l’Étoile Filante. The good news is that the amount raised was actually $1,000!
The total was raised through 50-50 draws, potluck dinners and auctions attended by employees of the Community Business Centre in Wellington. The first $400 of the total was donated before Christmas.
Here, Amy Richard, left, the RDÉE’s financial administrative assistant, presents the final $600 to Jeannette Gallant, president of the Village des Sources, and Sylvain Gallant, Village camp coordinator.
The president notes that all funds donated by organizations, corporations and individuals are spent in the provision of personal and spiritual development camps for young PEI francophones at the Centre Goéland in Cape Egmont.