CHARLOTTETOWN – Aug. 22, 2016 – The RDÉE Prince Edward Island team had the opportunity to learn about the services provided by the Career Development Association of PEI Monday morning. Association employee Carron McCabe explained that the organization brings together various Island stakeholders that are involved in career development and employability. RDÉE PEI, the provincial francophone economic development council, will now become the association’s francophone partner of choice since the RDÉE works specifically in the field of employability. During the meeting, the RDÉE’s economic development officers and project coordinators also go to explain to McCabe the types of projects they manage. Following the presentation, the employees presented their guest with a small present. Seen in the photo, from left, are Stéphane Blanchard, youth development officer; Carron McCabe; Robert Maddix, immigration development officer; and Rachel Chappell, coordinator of the PERCÉ program and the Dragons’ Contest.