Acadian Chamber of Commerce announces finalists of 2024 Business Excellence Awards

ABRAM-VILLAGE – Dec. 2, 2023 – Although the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI (CCAFLIPE) would have liked to receive a greater number of submissions to fill all the categories of its Business Excellence Awards Competition, it is very pleased with the quality of the individuals, companies and organizations that actually were nominated.

The Chamber’s spokesperson, Janine Arsenault, was delighted to announce the finalists for each award in front of some 100 people at the organization’s Christmas party Friday, Dec. 1, in Abram-Village.

She began by explaining that again this year, and for the foreseeable future, the Chamber will require all award nominees to be involved in sustainable development in some way, shape or form. « Those offering nominations were required to give examples of practices the nominees use to ensure the sound use of natural, human, financial and material resources. » Then, nominees had to meet specific criteria for their respective category.

Finalists will be invited to the 2024 Acadian Entrepreneurs’ Gala next March 16 at the Village musical acadien in Abram-Village. There, the winners will be announced and presented with their awards. Family and friends will be invited to join in the celebration; tickets go on sale at the end of January.

Here’s the list of categories and finalists in each.


This award is presented to a young entrepreneur between the ages of 15 and 30 who has demonstrated outstanding entrepreneurial initiative (in innovation or sustainable development).

• Zack Montreuil, Chow Time Pet Foods, Brackley.


This award honors a business, co-operative or organization with a certain economic vocation that has distinguished itself through its achievements and successes, including its impact on its community.

• French Language School Board, Abram-Village;
• Le Centre Goéland / Le Village des Sources l’Étoile Filante, Cape Egmont.


This award recognizes an employee of a company, co-operative or organization who has distinguished himself or herself by the quality of his or her customer service, or by his or her achievements or leadership in the business world.

• Carmella Richard, manager of The Bottle Houses in Cape Egmont;
• Jeanne Gallant, coffee counter employee at the Wellington Esso and Convenience Store in Wellington;
• Tammy Strongman, resident care team leader at Le Chez-Nous Co-op in Wellington.


This award recognizes a company that has demonstrated excellence in one or more of the following categories: sustainable development, innovation, quality of service, job creation and community impact.

• Chow Time Pet Foods (Zack Montreuil), Brackley;
• Dion Gallant’s Welding (Dion Gallant), Abram-Village;
• HMS Office Solutions (Pierre Gallant), Summerside.


RDÉE Prince Edward Island and the provincial office of the Young Millionaires program would like to honour participants (aged 9 to 16) from last summer’s youth entrepreneurship program who have distinguished themselves through their efforts and successes. They also want to honor past participants who continue to make their mark in the business world and serve as role models for the younger generation. The award finalists are:

• Ava Greencorn, Ava’s Candy Clouds, St-Nicholas;
• Casen Arsenault, Casen’s Perler Bead Creations, Abram-Village;
• Jada Carragher, Jada’s Arts and Crafts, Huntley;
• Nico Durant, Durant’s Grass Cutting, Mont-Carmel.


RDÉE PEI leads the « IMPACT: Towards a Responsible and Sustainable Atlantic Economy » project to promote sustainable development (SD) among businesses and organizations. One of the initiatives of this project is the establishment of the « PEI Annual SD IMPACT Recognition Award » to recognize an organization or company that makes a positive contribution to sustainable development, for example to the environment, the social fabric and local governance. A selection committee will soon choose a winner from among the nominees; his or her name will be announced at the Gala.

Note that the names of the inductees to the PEI Acadian and Francophone Business Hall of Fame for 2024 have been announced separately.


PHOTO: Among the finalists of the 2024 Business Excellence Awards to be presented by the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI (CCAFLIPE) in March are, seated, from left, Carmella Richard (finalist 2024 Distinguished Employee Award), Bonnie Gallant from the French Language School Board (finalist 2024 Social Economy Enterprise Award), Jeanne Gallant (finalist 2024 Distinguished Employee Award) and Tammy Strongman (finalist 2024 Distinguished Employee Award). In the back row are Pierre Gallant from HMS Office Solutions (finalist 2024 Business of Excellence Award), Nico Durant from Durant’s Grass Cutting (finalist for provincial 2023 Young Millionaires Award), Doudou Mukanda from the Centre Goéland / Village des Sources (finalist 2024 Social Economy Enterprise Award), and Zack Montreuil from Chow Time Pet Foods (finalist of 2024 Outstanding Young Entrepreneur Award and 2024 Business of Excellence Award). They’re accompanied by CCAFLIPE spokesperson Janine Arsenault, who publicly announced their names Dec. 1. Absent from photo: Dion Gallant from Dion Gallant’s Welding (finalist 2024 Business of Excellence Award.)


For further information, please contact:
Raymond J. Arsenault, coordinator
2024 Acadian Entrepreneurs’ Gala
Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI