African and international delegates en route for Forum on Economic Immigration in Brudenell

JeanAmbassalowresBRUDENELL – May 15, 2014 – In Canada since 1993 and on PEI since 2001, Jean Ambassa truly appreciates the Canadian way of life as well as the generosity of the people in his adoptive country. This importer-exporter, who is originally from Cameroun in Africa, would love to see his former African students, colleagues, business partners and friends benefit from the same advantages he has been able to enjoy for the last two decades.

That’s why he has invited them all to come to Canada to participate in the Forum on Economic Immigration being held in Brudenell May 26-28. Secondly, he wants them to discover PEI.

He expects about 10 of these people, from countries such as Cameroun, Nigeria, Gabon, Chad and Kenya, to complete the two-day journey to get here. In addition to having a valid passport, they must also obtain an official permission, in the form of an entry visa, to come to Canada. Through official documents (in this case a formal, personalized invitation to attend the forum), they must explain and prove clearly the reason for their trip. Ambassa also expects a business partner from Haiti will attend. All of these people are either entrepreneurs or laborers; his father-in-law is a member of the delegation.

Ambassa feels that his African friends will have lots of information and experience to share during the forum. As well, if they decided to someday move to Canada (which he also considers a « developing country »), they’ll bring with them vast amounts of knowledge that would contribute greatly to this country’s economy.

« In the past, I’ve lived in the United States, in France and in Africa. Here in Canada, there exists a spirit of cooperation that you really don’t find everywhere, » he said. « I therefore want to give my friends and colleagues a chance to discover for themselves all the amazing things that I’ve seen and experienced over the past 20 years. »

As an added incentive, Ambassa had offered to cover the transportation and lodging costs of his friends while they’re on PEI. He has also invited other people of African origin who already live in Canada.

The RDÉE PEI coordinator of the Forum on Economic Immigration was greatly impressed to learn that Ambassa was making real efforts to bring in delegates. « Thanks to his efforts, we’ve been able to broaden the scope of our forum to truly make it an international forum, » said Francis Thériault. « These people from other countries will greatly enhance our discussions, especially the ones that will take place during the immigrant entrepreneurs’ workshops on May 27. In exchange, we hope to be able to provide them with new ideas to promote eventual commercial dealings between their countries and ours. »

The Forum on Economic Immigration is an important component of RDÉE Prince Edward Island’s LIENS project (Linking Economic Immigration to our Successes). This project is funded through contributions from Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Prince Edward Island Office of Immigration, Settlement and Population. Among the official sponsors of the workshops will be Alianco, an Atlantic Canadian translation network.


Importer-exporter Jean Ambassa, originally from Cameroun, has made many efforts to ensure that an African delegation will attend the Forum on Economic Immigration May 26-28 in Brudenell.

For more information:
Francis Thériault
Forum on Economic Immigration
(902) 370-7333