WELLINGTON, PEI – Oct. 25, 2012 – A considerable number of children and adults from the East Prince area, unable to purchase enough food because of illness, lack of work or hard economic times, will still be able to fill their bellies over the coming week thanks to the generosity of people from the Evangeline and surrounding areas.
Residents of this community have just donated 1,212 pounds of non-perishable foods of all kinds to the Salvation Army Food Bank in Summerside, specifically with the intent of helping those who have less.
Marj Montgomery and Mary Ann Bulger, representatives of the food bank, said they were quite impressed when they came to Wellington Co-op Tuesday, Oct. 23, to pick up the numerous bags and boxes of food that had been collected for them.
They graciously thanked the organizers of the collection and helped them realize that because of their efforts, many children from the county will be able to go to bed this week without hearing their tummies growl from hunger.
Through Co-op Week, people were invited to drop off food for this sixth annual food drive at various locations in the Evangeline region.
At Evangeline School, students gathered 452.5 pounds of food. Denise Millette’s 8B class earned a $100 prize for having gathered the greatest proportion of this total.
The Wellington branch of the Evangeline-Central Credit Union gathered 244.5 pounds of food while the Wellington Co-op and the community dinner at Centre Expo-Festival jointly gathered 515 pounds. In addition, during lunch, those gathered kicked in $141.50 in cash for the cause.
All those who donated food throughout the week received a ballot for a draw for a $200 gift certificate at Wellington Co-op. Lisa Warren from Wellington won the draw.
This food drive was organized jointly, again this year, by the Evangeline-Central Credit Union, Wellington Co-op, le Conseil de développement coopératif de l’Î.-P.-É., The Co-operators and Farm Credit Canada.
CUTLLINE 1: Here are just a few of the numerous bags and boxes of non-perishable food that was donated to the Summerside Salvation Army Food Bank Oct. 23 following a food drive organized by various co-op organizations in the Evangeline area. From left are Diane McInnis, representing Evangeline-Central Credit Union; Marj Montgomery from the food bank; Angèle Arsenault from the Conseil de développement coopératif de l’Î.-P.-É., Rick Arsenault from the Wellington Co-op, and Mary Ann Bulger from the food bank.
CUTLINE 2: Students from Denise Millette’s 8B class at Evangeline School earned a $100 prize for having gathered the most food of any class to donate to the Summerside Salvation Army Food Bank. Angèle Arsenault, left, president of the Conseil de développement coopératif de l’Î.-P.-É. and Diane McInnis, second left, marketing officer with Evangeline-Central Credit Union, and Rick Arsenault, manager of Wellington Co-op, are seen accepting the 452.5 pounds of food from the school and presenting the prize to the class.
CUTLINE 3: All those who donated food throughout the week received a ballot for a draw for a $200 gift certificate at Wellington Co-op. Lisa Warren from Wellington, second from the right, won the draw. Presenting her with her prize are, from left, Diane McInnis from Evangeline-Central Credit Union, Angèle Arsenault from the Conseil de développement coopératif de l’Î.-P.-É. and Rick Arsenault from Wellington Co-op.
For more information:
Diane McInnis
Marketing officer
Evangeline-Central Credit Union
(902) 854-2595
Angèle Arsenault
Le Conseil de développement coopératif de l’Î.-P.-É.
(902) 854-2951