SUMMERSIDE – May 16, 2014 – About 50 Anglophone and Francophone entrepreneurs and business people had the opportunity to network and get to know each other better Thursday, May 16, during a Greater Summerside Chamber of Commerce business mixer held at Centre Belle-Alliance in Summerside. At a number of booths, participants got to discover a series of products and services mostly related to this month’s theme of « Food and Accommodations ». Several offered free samples or promotional items; all of them offered door prizes.
This business mixer was jointly hosted by the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI, the Collège Acadie ÎPÉ and the Centre Belle-Alliance.
In the photo, from left, are Nicole Noonan, customer service rep from the Centre; Jeannette Arsenault, spokesperson for the Acadian Chamber; Jonathan Greenan, president of the Summerside Chamber; and Colette Aucoin, vice-president of the Collège Acadie ÎPÉ.