CHARLOTTETOWN – April 1, 2014 – Speaker, author and consultant Caroline Yang from Toronto, Ont., successfully caught and retained the attention of the 33 participants at the two workshops on the theme « Levering Immigrant Talent » Tuesday, March 25, in Summerside and Charlottetown.
Speaking about the management of immigrant human resources, Yang focussed on understanding intercultural communication and on giving clear and precise instructions.
In her much-appreciated presentation, she said newcomers can be great employees but employers and coworkers must make an effort to understand their way of communication and interacting rather than pass judgments based on stereotypes.
These workshops were delivered through RDÉE PEI’s LIENS project (Linking Economic Immigration to our Successes). Seen during the Charlottetown workshop are, from left, Gaylene MacKenzie,m manager of recruitment and retention for the province, guest speaker Caroline Yang and Claire Li from the PEI Connectors Program.