Collège de l’Île returns as Ignition sponsor for 2022

WELLINGTON – Jan. 14, 2022 – The champion of the 2022 Francophone Ignition Contest will not only receive a sizeable investment in his or her entrepreneurial project but also a free college course of his or her choice from the Collège de l’Île. For several years now, the Collège has been offering this great reward, which can be of immense value to an entrepreneur starting a new business. In addition, the Collège is providing free Insights Discovery profiles and training to all competitors of this popular contest, which is organized by RDÉE Prince Edward Island. Contest coordinator Felicity Montgomery recently met with College president Donald DesRoches to discuss the sponsorship arrangement. The grand finale of the contest, featuring four entrepreneurial projects competing for the top spot, will take place Wednesday, March 2, at 7 p.m. at the Village musical acadien in Abram-Village. Those wishing to attend the competition free of charge must reserve their spot by contacting Josée Ouellette no later than Feb. 25th at 902-854-3439, ext. 228 or