SUMMERSIDE – Jan. 17, 2018 – Thirty-eight people recently learned how to manage cultural differences in the workplace during a powerful and entertaining full-day conference Saturday, Jan. 13, in Summerside.
Keynote speaker Lionel Laroche, who is recognized internationally for his expertise in the field, pointed out a number of practices within the Canadian workplace culture – things that aren’t necessary seen in other countries.
He added that changes in Canada tend to happen by evolution whereas in other countries, changes often come about practically by revolution. So when a person from another area of the world arrives here with his own work culture in mind, it can be perturbing for both the employer and the employee. Also, when measuring work performance and behavior of international employees, bosses must therefore differentiate between personal and cultural behaviors.
The conference was organized jointly by RDÉE PEI’s LIENS project and the Coopérative d’intégration francophone de l’Î.-P.-É., in collaboration with various sponsors.
Seen at the conference are, from left, Jacinthe Lemire, executive director of the CIF, entrepreneur Wei Chen, Chérine Stévula, coordinator of the LIENS project, keynote speaker Lionel Laroche, participant Mohammed Ton and Cora Lee Dunbar, regional program officer with PEI Connectors.