Diversity, equity and inclusion workshop for non-profits: “Moving from Unconscious to Conscious Bias”

WELLINGTON – Feb. 11, 2022 – Bilingual managers and staff of Island non-profit organizations are being invited to attend a free two-part, online workshop on diversity, equity and inclusion on the theme “Moving from Unconscious to Conscious Bias” next month. The first part is slated for Thursday, March 3rd, from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. and the second part Thursday, March 31st, from 12 noon to 1 p.m.

Through this interactive and engaging workshop, participants will explore what it means to have unconscious bias. With that expanded knowledge, participants will be taking the first step in understanding cultural competency and fostering a more inclusive workplace.

The Wellington Rural Action Centre and the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI, which are hosting the event, are pleased to announce that Evelyn Bradley and Robyn Gallant will present this dynamic and engaging bilingual workshop.


Evelyn Bradley is a workplace diversity and inclusion consultant from Beyond the Brim Consulting in Charlottetown. She’s an educator who believes even the most complicated topics around race, gender and sexual orientation can be broken down and simplified to be shared with a wide variety of audiences. Bradley recently relocated to PEI from South Carolina.

Robyn Gallant is the Charlottetown-based owner-operator of Eventurous Consulting who previously worked in welcoming newcomers to PEI and in hosting camps to promote better mental health among youth. She has hosted and cohosted a number of workshops these past few years, in addition to planning a number of events. She is already well known within the francophone non-profit sector of PEI.

Those interested in participating in this free two-part workshop are asked to contact Josée Ouellette at josee@rdeeipe.org or 902-854-3439, Ext. 228, by March 1.


PHOTOS: Evelyn Bradley and Robyn Gallant will present a two-part, interactive workshop on diversity, equity and inclusion for non-profit organizations on March 3rd and 31st on behalf of the Wellington Rural Action Centre and the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI.

For more information:
Josée Ouellette
Client information officer
Wellington Rural Action Centre
1-902-854-3439, Ext. 228