WELLINGTON – Jan. 8, 2020 – In order to encourage employers to pre-register to indicate an interest in hiring interns from its PERCÉ program, RDÉE Prince Edward Island recently launched a small contest. All employers who register before March 31, 2021, will have the chance to win one of two benches painted in the colors of the Acadian flag.
After the contest period, program officials will hold two draws for these benches, which are usually sold at a price of $150 each. They were built by the young members of the Hard Workers Youth Services Co-op.
To enter the contest, simply go to the website www.percepe.ca, employers’ section, to fill out the application form. All names received will automatically be entered in the contest.
Please note that all employer names received will be added to the program’s database. Registration by employers does not guarantee that they will receive an intern with a financial incentive to help pay their salary. The main objective of the program is to meet the needs of post-secondary students by finding them a summer job in their field of study. Employers’ chances of being selected increase significantly if there is a pre-match – that is, when the employer already knows a postsecondary student who has expressed an interest in working with the employer and who has also applied before the deadline.
For more information on the internship program, you can view a video of the launch of the recruiting campaign, which took place on Facebook : https://bit.ly/3ovJsQG