Several major events postponed, adjusted or cancelled for coming months

Gala, Ignition Contest, Christmas Party, etc.

WELLINGTON – Sept. 18, 2020 – The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered the joint calendar of events that the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce (CCAFLIPE), RDÉE Prince Edward Island and the Wellington Rural Action Centre had planned for the first six months of their fiscal year. However, these partner organizations will still do the best they can in the next six months to recover as many of the remaining events as they can, all while adapting to the new global reality.

CCAFLIPE’s events coordinator, Raymond J. Arsenault, announced Tuesday that all upcoming activities will either be postponed, adjusted or cancelled, each depending on a wide variety of factors.


First of all, the 2020 Entrepreneurs’ Gala, which was originally scheduled for March 2020, will be postponed until March 2021, provided that large gatherings are allowed at that time. If gatherings of more than 50 people are not permitted, CCAFLIPE may decide to hold this entrepreneurial recognition ceremony online or may divide it into several mini gala events, each for specific categories of its awards. The decision is expected to be made next January. Since the 2020 event is postponed until next year, there will be no new entrepreneurial awards competition this fall and no new 2021 Gala.


Secondly, the annual “P’tite fête des Fêtes” Christmas party, which has become one of the most popular activities of the year among Chamber members, will definitely take place this year on Dec. 4 at the Centre Belle-Alliance in Summerside. However, the number of participants will be limited to 50 and the event will be subject to provincially mandated measures on social distancing, food service, sanitizing, etc.


As for Co-op and Small Business Weeks (Oct. 11-24), the partners will organize a more limited number of activities than usual. First, CCAFLIPE, the Rural Action Centre and CBDC Central PEI will jointly organize the « Virtual Morning Session for Entrepreneurs and Co-operators » on Oct. 20. Speaker Marie Christine Gingras from the Business Development Bank of Canada in Moncton will address the theme « How Canadian entrepreneurs are adapting to the pandemic » during this small online conference.

On Oct. 22, RDÉE PEI will officially launch the 2021 edition of its Francophone Ignition Contest during a « Facebook Live » session. All the details of the contest, such as the amount to be won, participation criteria, key dates, etc., will be revealed. It is anticipated that the finals will be held, again at the Centre Belle-Alliance, in early March, again with a maximum of 50 people and in accordance with provincial guidelines.

Co-op and Small Business Week partners will organize a community food drive for non-perishable food items for the Summerside Salvation Army Food Bank. To encourage contributions of money and food, the Wellington Co-op will hold a community barbecue Oct. 16, offering free hotdogs to those who make a contribution.

There will also be a drawing contest for children. They will be invited to draw a picture of a co-operative or small business they know. Several prizes will be awarded in different age categories.

Le Chez-nous Co-op will organize an internal bingo for its residents Oct. 15. Other activities may be added to the calendar.


The province’s Rural Action Centres will be offering their « Success Business Basics » workshop series in French, free of charge, from the end of September to the end of October. The series consists of eight 90-minute sessions that will cover topics such as budgeting, cash flow, fiscal responsibility, financial statements and Excel for beginners.


A few webinars have been held since the beginning of the fiscal year and several more are planned from now until the end of March 2020. Next on the list is the Business Plan Preparation Workshop with Giselle Bernard Sept. 23 at 11 am. Registration must be received by Sept. 21.


Among the activities that were cancelled due to the pandemic: the 2020 Acadian Golf Tournament, the main social event of Co-op and Small Business Weeks, the Co-operators’ Forum, the school food drive and several workshops and lunch-and-learns.


For more information:
Raymond J. Arsenault
Events coordinator
Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI