WELLINGTON – April 10, 2019 – “Are you 15-30 years old and do you speak French? Would you like to participate without charge in a series of five or six leadership camps with other young francophones? Would you like to have great learning, sharing and entertaining experiences? If so, the Faut que ça grouille ! Citizen Engagement Program might just be for you, so we encourage you to sign up,” urges Gilles Arsenault, coordinator of the brand-new program.
Supported by the Canada Service Corps, RDÉE Prince Edward Island (the provincial francophone economic development council) recently developed this program to help the younger francophone generation to better incorporate itself into its communities to thereby provide a succession for community development and volunteering on PEI.
“We’re looking to recruit 30 young people who are either in high school, in postsecondary studies or already in the workforce and who are from the six general Acadian and francophone communities of PEI,” explains Arsenault. “From now until the end of March 2020, we’ll offer them the opportunity to participate in a series of leadership camps featuring trainers, guest speakers, testimonials, games, practical exercises and recreational activities.”
Organizers hope these camps and experiences will provide participants the tools they need to develop and help implement volunteer-driven community projects in their regions during the program and for the rest of their lives. For the program, projects could be cultural, artistic, sports-related, community-based or associated with organizations, festivals or events. Each youth will determine by himself or herself the projects he or she wishes to pursue.
“The young participants will discover the many personal advantages and benefits of community volunteering. In addition, they’ll be able to acquire new skills that will help them become more employable,” said Arsenault. “We also hope that the older participants, since they possibly already have some volunteering experience, will be able to serve as mentors for the younger participants.”
The camps will take place on weekends in Cape Egmont, Summerside and Charlottetown, usually starting mid-morning on Saturday and wrapping up Sunday noon. Lodging and meals will be provided and travelling costs will be reimbursed.
A great variety of workshops will be offered to help these young people become better community leaders and volunteers. Workshop topics could include Insights Discovery, leadership, citizen engagement, the operation of a board of directors, financial management, customer service, the use of office software, mental health intervention, first aid, coach certification training or others, depending on the types of projects the participants choose.
Among those who apply, 30 will be chosen on the basis of age, region, strengths, volunteer experience, level of engagement and motivation. Organizers will try to attain regional and age equity.
“Faut que ça grouille !” is a French expression meaning “you’ve got to get moving!”
Those who are interested in learning more about the program are invited to check out the website www.rdeeipe.net/fqcg/ and to fill out the application form by May 1, 2019, and to attach their resumé to it.
All questions can be addressed to coordinator Gilles Arsenault at gilles@rdeeipe.org.
CUTLINE: Gilles Arsenault, coordinator of the new Faut que ça grouille ! Citizen Engagement Program for RDÉE Prince Edward Island, chats about the initiative with Amy Richard, the RDÉE’s financial administrative assistant, who will take care of the program’s accounting.
For more information:
Stéphane Blanchard
Manager of the “Faut que ça grouille! » project
RDÉE Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown office
902-370-7333, Ext. 402
Gilles Arsenault
Coordinator of the “Faut que ça grouille! » project
RDÉE Prince Edward Island, Wellington office
902-854-3439, Ext. 223