WELLINGTON, PEI – May 23, 2013 – All French-speaking entrepreneurs, artists, inventors and creators are invited to a free information session entitled “Intellectual Property: What’s In It for Me?” to be held Thursday, June 13, at 10 a.m. at the Rural Action Centre at 48 Mill Road, Wellington.
On her annual visit to PEI, Cécile Klein, business development officer with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office, will deliver the session. She’ll be addressing the four main intellectual property (IP) rights: patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial designs.
The specific objectives of the session are to help participants to:
- Recognize the strategic value and the benefits of intellectual property;
- Understand the various forms of IP;
- Learn how to protect and use your IP;
- Discover a wealth of IP resources;
- Realize that IP is a valuable business asset;
- Realize that IP information and protection may help avoid costly mistakes.
This session is being organized jointly by the Wellington Rural Action Centre and the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI.
Registration is free but all interested parties must register by Tuesday, June 11, by contacting Jeannine Arsenault au (902) 854-2328, Ext. 228
For more information:
Jeannine Arsenault
Rural Action Centre, Wellington
(902) 854-2328, Ext. 228