During five information sessions at Island RACs
WELLINGTON – Dec. 18, 2003 – Since it isn’t always easy for employers and employees to leave their place of work to attend skills training classes, eForcePEI is offering them a chance to take their training right in their office or at home and at whatever time is most convenient for them. And to top things off, this online office-skills training is free – at least for the time being.
To learn all about this new training program, employers, human resources managers and employees are being invited to attend one of five free hour-long information sessions being offered next month by the Island’s Rural Action Centres:
- Monday, Jan. 13, at 9 a.m. at the Montague Rural Action Centre (Storm date: Jan. 20)
- Tuesday, Jan. 14, at 1 p.m. at Centre Bedeque Rural Action Centre (Storm date: Jan. 21)
- Wednesday, Jan. 15, at 1 p.m. at the Alberton Rural Action Centre (Storm date: Jan. 22)
- Thursday, Jan. 16, at 1 p.m. at the Souris Rural Action Centre (Storm date: Jan. 23)
- Friday, Jan. 17, at 1 p.m. at the Wellington Rural Action Centre (Storm date: Jan. 24)
Andrew Hickey, eForcePEI’s project sales coordinator, will explain how the program works and will give an overview of the types of courses that are available. These include Microsoft Excel (basic – 10 courses), Microsoft Word (basic – 9 courses), financial literacy (6 courses), basics of business math (4 courses), professional networking essentials (2 courses), workplace conflict (4 courses), working with difficult people (7 courses), administrative support professionals (6 courses), marketing essentials, including online stategy (9 courses), and operations management (7 courses).
All information sessions and courses will be provided in English only.
Those interested in attending the information sessions are asked to register free of charge at least two days before the session. To register for the Montague session, contact Kristine Vandenberghe at (902) 838-4030 or at kristine.vandenberghe@cbdc.ca. For the Bedeque session, contact Christine Warren at (902) 887-3400 or at cwarren@centralpei.ca. For the Alberton session, contact Barb MacDonald at (902) 853-3616 or at barb.macdonald@cbdc.ca. For the Souris session, contact Valerie Flynn at (902) 687-4084 or at valerie.flynn@cbdc.ca. For the Wellington session, contact Jeannine Arsenault at (902) 854-2328, Ext. 228.
These information sessions are being delivered in collaboration with RDÉE Prince Edward Island, the host organization of the Wellington RAC.
eForcePEI is funded in whole or part by the Canada-PEI Labour Market Development Agreement and/or Labour Market Agreement.
CUTLINE: Andrew Hickey, eForcePEI’s project sales coordinator, will provide an overview of this new skills training program during five information sessions at the Island’s Rural Action Centres in January.
For more information:
Jeannine Arsenault
Client information officer
Wellington Rural Action Centre
(902) 854-2328, Ext. 228