MONT-CARMEL – Feb. 29, 2024 – The Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI is overjoyed to welcome a brand-new Silver-level sponsor to its 2024 Entrepreneurs’ Gala: Front Gate Financial Group! This Fredericton, NB-based financial services firm may not yet be well known in our community, but the financial planner who represents it is certainly no stranger. Nico Durant of Mont-Carmel has been recognized several times at our Gala, first as Young Millionaire of the Year when he managed La Fun, then as the 2022 Young Enterprising Person of the year for his company Durant’s Grass Cutting, and this year as a nominee for one of the Young Millionaire Awards (past participants). He also won a national Lauriers de la PME award from RDÉE Canada, also in 2022, for all of his entrepreneurial endeavours. In his first year as a sponsor, Durant will be sponsoring the evening’s technical expenses (sound and lighting), which is very fitting since his father Dennis Durant is a former sound and lighting technician. Those wishing to attend the Gala, on Saturday, March 16, at 5:30 p.m. at the Village musical acadien in Abram-Village, are urged to buy their tickets before March 8 by visiting the Wellington Rural Action Centre or by calling 902-854-3439. The quantity of remaining tickets is very limited.