WELLINGTON – Nov. 1, 2022 – Anyone interested in becoming an entrepreneur or considering expanding an existing business is invited to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) and learn about the various supports that are available during a free, bilingual lunch-and-learn at the Wellington Rural Action Centre Thursday, Nov. 17, from noon to 1 p.m.
The event will feature guest speaker Claus Schmidt, the successful entrepreneur who co-founded MaiYa Pearls in Summerside and Charlottetown. He will share his start-up story, discuss the successes and challenges of entrepreneurship and answer questions from participants. David Eisnor, business development manager (team lead Atlantic) with Futurpreneur Canada, will also provide information on the supports and resources available to young entrepreneurs.
Global Entrepreneurship Week, Nov. 14-20, 2022, is an annual celebration of entrepreneurship that takes place in over 180 countries worldwide. Organized by Global Entrepreneurship Network partners from around the world – including Futurpreneur in Canada, GEW enables businesses, non-profits, entrepreneurs and ecosystem champions to organize events focused on key themes related to entrepreneurship: education, ecosystems, inclusion and policy.
The week will be celebrated for a first time in Wellington, with support from the Rural Action Centre, Innovation PEI, Futurpreneur and the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI. A light lunch will be provided.
Interested parties must register by Nov. 14 by contacting Josée Ouellette, Wellington RAC Client Support Officer, at 902-854-3439 or josee@rdeeipe.org.
For more information on Global Entrepreneurship Week, please visit https://www.futurpreneur.ca/en/initiatives/gew-canada/
PHOTO: Claus Schmidt, co-founder of MaiYa Pearls of Summerside and Charlottetown, will be the guest speaker at a Global Entrepreneurship Week lunch-and-learn on Thursday, Nov. 17, in Wellington. David Eisnor, business development manager (team lead Atlantic) with Futurpreneur Canada, will provide information on resources available for young entrepreneurs.