ABRAM-VILLAGE – July 8, 2021 – The 12 bilingual teenage workers of the Hard Workers Youth Services Co-operative are ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work all over the Evangeline region this summer.
They are calling on businesses, organizations, co-operatives and individuals to offer them work contracts to do a variety of jobs such as mowing lawns, cleaning garages, washing cars, painting, gardening, babysitting, dog sitting, dog walking, light carpentry, etc. And all at a very affordable price.
At their official opening ceremony, held at their meeting place (the carpentry shop at Évangéline School in Abram-Village) on July 7, it was explained that the young workers had recently received training on the co-operative movement and on the management of a workers’ co-op. The summer employees of RDÉE Prince Edward Island, the host organization of the co-op, delivered the training.
Speaking to the young co-operators, RDÉE PEI youth development officer Julie Gallant said, « We really appreciate the fact that you decided to join the co-op this summer. You will learn not only the value of work but also the satisfaction of a job well done. You will learn how to serve clients and how to manage a co-op and a budget by working together in committees. Everything you learn this summer will undoubtedly help you take the place you deserve in our community as adults, in your future employment and as volunteers and leaders in our community. »
Gallant indicated that youth service co-operatives have existed on the Island for more than 40 years and that RDÉE PEI has helped manage the youth service co-op in the Evangeline region for more than 20 years. It’s been four years since they named this co-op “Hard Workers”. « Our young members always work very hard to deliver an excellent service to those who hire them. So we’re very hopeful that the community will be very supportive this summer with lots of contract work. »
To promote their co-op, the teen members will be going door-to-door in the villages of Wellington and Abram-Village on June 12 to deliver a flyer and to answer people’s questions about the services they offer. They will be more proactive this year in approaching potential clients in the community.
The youth elected an executive consisting of president Katherine Arsenault, vice-president Logan Arsenault, secretary Katie Arsenault and treasurer Sébastien LeBlanc. They also formed committees to handle the various administrative tasks of their co-op: Finance (Brody Arsenault, Logan Arsenault, Jacob Gallant and Sébastien LeBlanc), Marketing (Paige Bernard, Payton Arsenault, Baylee Richard, Jaxon Short and Lexie Arsenault) and Human Resources (Mary-Etta Francis, Katie Arsenault and Katherine Arsenault).
Those who would like to offer a work contract to the co-op are asked to email the coordinators Stephanie Arsenault (stephanie@rdeeipe.org) or Ryanna Ryan (ryanna@rdeeipe.org) for a quote. Once the coordinators and the clients have agreed on a price for the task in question, the youth will do the work requested on the dates agreed upon. One of the coordinators will then visit the site to ensure that the work has been done to the client’s satisfaction before the Co-op sends the client an invoice.
The co-op will be accepting contracts for a few hours, a few days or even a few weeks until the end of August. The bulk of the money collected will go towards salaries for the youth. A small portion will be retained by the co-operative to cover its expenses. At the end of the summer, members will decide for themselves how to spend any balance that may be left in their account; they could give themselves a rebate, give themselves a small treat or leave the money in the account for the 2023 edition of the co-op.
PHOTO 1: At the official launch of the 2022 summer work season of the Hard Workers Youth Service Co-op, secretary Katie Arsenault, vice-president Logan Arsenault, center, and treasurer Sébastien LeBlanc ceremoniously cut a piece of wood (rather than a ribbon).
PHOTO 2: Worker members of the 2022 edition of the Hard Workers Youth Service Co-op with their coordinators: Ryanna Ryan (coordinator), Paige Bernard, Lexie Arsenault, Payton Arsenault, Baylee Richard, Katie Arsenault (secretary), Logan Arsenault (treasurer) and Sébastien LeBlanc, Jaxon Short, Brody Arsenault, Jacob Gallant and Stephanie Arsenault (coordinator). Missing from the photo: Mary-Etta Francis and Katherine Arsenault (President).
For more information, please contact
Stephanie Arsenault, Coordinator
Hard Workers Youth Service Co-op