CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI – Dec. 6, 2013 – Over the next few months, a new information technology intern will help RDÉE Prince Edward Island to take better advantage of various online tools – including its web sites and social media – to better promote its various projects, programs and activities and to broaden its reach to new potential clients.
Thanks to Innovation PEI’s and Industry Canada’s SYnC program, the RDÉE is benefitting from the services of Faysal Boukari, a young Parisian artist whose roots originate in Togo in Africa.
Boukari will work out of the RDÉE’s Charlottetown offices, at the Carrefour de l’Isle-Saint-Jean, on a part-time basis – Monday and Wednesday afternoons and all day Fridays. Starting in January, he will be able to devote more time to the job. It is expected he’ll be with the RDÉE until the end of March.
His first tasks will consist of examining and evaluating the RDÉE’s various websites (for projects and initiatives) and to recommend improvements on their presentation and content, along with suggestions on ways to reach a wider audience. He’ll do the same with the organization’s Facebook pages and Twitter account. He’ll also be asked to carry out a number of other tasks, including compiling statistics, updating lists and other similar duties.
Boukari obtained his master’s degree in digital creation and engineering in 2010 at the Valenciennes in Northern France. A professional in digital imaging, he is also a graphic artist, an illustrator and a 2D animator. He has worked for several video game and web companies on a freelance basis.
As an illustrator, he has been involved in several group shows aimed at showing the value of diversity and sharing. He arrived in Montreal in April 2013 where he was a multimedia assistant in a high school. When he came to PEI, he was hired to paint a mural, which helped spread his name in the local art world. Later on, he had the pleasure of collaborating with the RDÉE and the Coopérative d’intégration francophone de l’Î.-P.-É., respectively to create an illustration for National Francophone Immigration Week and to help produce an educational video.
As the mentor artist for GénieArts (ArtSmarts) and D.E.R.T., he is hyperactively creative, usually working under contract. He multiple experiences have allowed him to work in a wide range of artistic fields.
Stephane Blanchard, the RDÉE youth development officer who will supervise the intern’s work, says he is impressed with Faysal’s level of enthusiasm. He’s convinced that over the next few months, the RDÉE should be able to better able to spread its message particularly online.
RDÉE PEI is the provincial francophone economic development council.
CUTLINE: Faysal Boukari has just started a new internship in information technology at RDÉE PEI’s Charlottetown office
For more information:
Stephane Blanchard
Youth Development Officer
RDÉE Prince Edward Islsand
(902) 370-7333, Ext. 402