Deadline for submissions is Jan. 18th
WELLINGTON – Jan. 7, 2019 – “All those who are interested in participating in the brand-new Francophone Ignition Contest, to get a chance to win a $25,000 prize to set up a new business project, must absolutely submit their application by Friday, Jan. 18,” says Velma Robichaud, who is coordinating this competition for RDÉE Prince Edward Island.
As she issues the last call for competitors, the coordinator reminds everyone that this prize is being provided by Innovation PEI’s Ignition Start-Up Fund. The French version of this contest, managed by RDÉE PEI, must therefore adhere to the rules and regulations established by the province. The application form is a bit longer and requires more detailed answers than were required by the RDÉE’s previous and similar Dragons’ Contest.
Robichaud explained the contest is aimed at francophone and bilingual entrepreneurs who wish to establish a new business, launch a new product or service or expand into a new line of production.
The general presentation of the competition is quite similar to those seen in TV shows such as « Dragons’ Den » or « Shark Tank ». Contestants have seven minutes to present their project (with product samples, images on the big screen and verbal explanations) to a panel of judges. They then decide to invest the cash prize in the proposed business project that seems to have the most potential for success.
Robichaud invites all those who are interested to check out the rules and details of the contest on the website Application forms can be downloaded from the site.
All requests for additional information can be addressed to Robichaud at or at 902-854-3439, Ext. 227.
Co-ordination, training, promotion and administration of the contest are made possible thanks to a contribution from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.
CUTLINE: The coordinator of the brand-new Francophone Ignition Contest, Velma Robichaud, invites existing and potential francophone entrepreneurs to visit the site to learn more about the competition and to sign up for a chance to win $25,000. The application deadline is Friday, Jan. 18.
For more information:
Velma Robichaud
Francophone Ignition Contest co-ordinator
902-854-3439, Ext. 227