WELLINGTON – May 13, 2021 – All French-speaking youth between the ages of 9 and 16 who would like to learn how to become entrepreneurs and sell products and services this summer are encouraged to register for RDÉE Prince Edward Island’s adjusted 2021 Jeunes millionnaires program by Sunday, May 30.
This French version of the Young Millionaires program is designed to promote youth entrepreneurship and give young people the opportunity to earn some money. Participants will be encouraged to use their imagination to develop useful products or services that they can sell either at home, at farmers’ markets, public events or festivals, or even online during the summer months.
Often, participants sell products such as candy, food, crafts, art, clothing, jewelry, lawn mowing or dog care services, but there really is no limit.
In June, youth will have the opportunity to participate in three workshops – online via the Zoom platform again this year – to learn the basics of entrepreneurship, including business plans, market research, customer service, product quality, budgets and more. They will then prepare their business plan at home, with the help of the coordinators, and then present it to the program leaders in one-on-one interviews, again online.
Each business will then receive a grant (maximum of $150 for individuals or $200 for partnerships) to help them get started and to purchase their production materials. They will then each be given their own promotional page on the RDÉE PEI website (one page per company).
The youth will then get to work producing and selling their products. The program’s coordination team will prepare a list of activities and events in which they can participate to sell their products. Please note that the list of venues may be quite limited again this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition, when youth travel to various locations to sell their products, they will be required to adhere to the province’s standards on social distancing, masks, hand washing, cleanliness, etc.
To register, simply visit the website http://programmejeunesmillionnaires.ca/fr and fill out the registration form (contact information and general idea of the type of business desired). Any questions can be directed to jm@rdeeipe.org.
The Young Millionaires program is managed at the provincial level by the Central Development Corporation.
PHOTO: Two of the 2020 Young Millionaires participants, Marc and Renée Chapman of « All Fired Up! » in Little Harbour, were selling campfire wood in bags. This is just one of many ideas that this year’s youth can use.
For more information, please contact
Stéphane Blanchard
Youth Development Officer
RDÉE Prince Edward Island
(902) 388-8460