WELLINGTON – Jan. 9, 2015 – People interested in learning more about eForcePEI, a provincial program that offers free, online training on many work-related subjects, are invited to a free lunch-and-learn being held Wednesday, Jan. 28, at 12 noon in Wellington.
The Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce and the Wellington Rural Action Centre will jointly host this information session, which is geared specifically for entrepreneurs, employers and human resources managers.
Andrew Hickey, eForcePEI’s project sales coordinator, will explain (in English only) how this free skills training system works and will give an overview of the types of courses that are available. He’ll also explain how to register for them. The more than 140 courses now available range from the handling of hazardous industrial chemicals and office ergonomics to workplace conflict resolution and social media. Some of the training sessions are available in French; the vast majority are available in English.
To register, no later than Jan. 23, contact Ève-Alexandra St-Laurent at (902) 854-3439, Ext.228, or eve@rdeeipe.org. Sandwiches will be provided for the meal
CUTLINE: Andrew Hickey, eForcePEI’s project sales coordinator.
For more information:
Raymond J. Arsenault
Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI
(902) 854-3439, Ext. 231