ABRAM-VILLAGE – Jan. 6, 2021 – All parents of Francophone high school students, or of youth in transition, are invited to attend one of four free information sessions to learn how to better support their children as they make the transition to postsecondary education or the labour market.
In early February, the coordination team of RDÉE Prince Edward Island’s Youth Transition program, in collaboration with the Fédération des parents de l’Î.-P.-É., will coordinate a mini-provincial tour by speaker Sylvie Desjardins. This career and professional readaptation specialist from Moncton, NB, will address the theme “Supporting parents with youth in transition” during her presentations, which will be delivered with humour and warmth.
The sessions will take place at the following dates and locations, each evening at 7 p.m.:
• Feb. 1 – Centre d’éducation Évangéline in Abram-Village (in French);
• Feb. 2 – Centre Belle-Alliance in Summerside (in English);
• Feb. 3 – Carrefour de l’Isle-Saint-Jean in Charlottetown (in French);
• Feb. 4 – Carrefour de l’Isle-Saint-Jean in Charlottetown (in English).
Parents must register in advance so that arrangements can be made to comply with COVID-19 guidelines. Contact Imelda Arsenault at 902-439-2933 or imarsenault05@gmail.com.
Desjardins notes that by participating in these sessions, parents will become “better equipped to support their teenagers as they make the transition from high school to postsecondary education and the job market.”
She says that making a career choice is an important decision in the lives of young people. Parents want to help but are not always sure how to do it. During the sessions, they will learn:
• to understand their role in their child’s career development;
• how to intervene and support but not influence;
• the impact of parents’ attitudes towards the job market;
• the art of asking the right questions to their child; and
• why career suggestions are not recommended.
Desjardins began her career at the New Brunswick Community College as a counsellor for students with permanent disabilities and international students. She subsequently held various positions at the Université de Moncton and with the Government of New Brunswick. In 2014, she became an entrepreneur with the goal of helping as many people as possible find their ideal career.
Since the creation of her company, NxCareer, she has accompanied and guided more than 500 clients in obtaining a job that better corresponds to their expectations and ambitions. With a master’s degree in counselling, she has been a Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC) since 2011, a counselling therapist since 2017 and became a vocational readaptation professional in 2018 after passing the national exam.
As a business owner and career specialist, Desjardins has been featured in a few special articles by l’Acadie Nouvelle and has been invited several times to speak on CBC / Radio-Canada as a career expert. In 2019 and 2020, she was also selected for a “Top 20 Under 40” award presented by the Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce.
As a trainer and speaker, Desjardins is known for developing instructive, practical and humorous training sessions. She is dedicated to sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help as many people as possible create the life they want. By combining facts and relevant information with humour, she communicates ideas so that the audience feels inspired every time.
PHOTO: Sylvie Desjardins, career and vocational readaptation specialist from Moncton, will deliver four information sessions for Island parents to support them in accompanying their youth in their transition to postsecondary education or the labour market.
For more details :
Imelda Arsenault, Project Officer
Youth Transition Program