WELLINGTON – Feb. 23, 2021 – RDÉE Prince Edward Island, the provincial francophone economic development council, continues to support and sponsor the entrepreneurial development competition it established in 2014 (first under the name Dragons’ Contest and now the Francophone Ignition Contest). The monetary investment granted to the champion and a portion of the costs of coordinating and holding the event are paid by government sponsors, but RDÉE PEI covers the balance – notably advertising, accounting and various administrative services. This contribution represents several thousand dollars. Julie Gallant, left, coordinator of the competition, recently met with Bonnie Gallant, executive director of the RDÉE, to give her an overview of the work done and details about the finals. The grand finale of the competition will take place Wednesday, March 3, at the Village musical acadien in Abram-Village. Admission will be free but seats must be reserved by February 26 by contacting Josée Ouellette at 902-854-3439, Ext. 228, or at josee@rdeeipe.org.