Nov. 6 round table to discuss francophone immigration on PEI

semaine nationale immig francoCHARLOTTETOWN – Oct. 17, 2014 – On the occasion of National Francophone Immigration Week (Nov. 2-8), all French-speaking immigrants and all those interested in immigration and who also speak French are invited to a round table discussion on Thursday, Nov. 6, at the Carrefour de l’Isle-Saint-Jean in Charlottetown.

The evening event, which will be held in French from 6-8 p.m., will include a free meal.

“We’re planning on hosting some convivial discussions touching on various subjects and realities related to francophone immigration,” say the partner-organizers of the evening. “The number of spots is limited so the first people to register will be the first ones allowed in.”

This round table discussion is presented jointly by the Coopérative d’intégration francophone, RDÉE Prince Edward Island’s LIENS project, the Carrefour de l’Isle-Saint-Jean and Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

To register, contact Catherine Rioux before Nov. 3 at (902) 370-7333, Ext. 404, or


For more information:

Catherine Rioux
Coordinator, LIENS project
(902) 370-7333