WELLINGTON – Jan. 3, 2018 – Business owners, senior level managers, human resource advisors and safety advisors are strongly encouraged to attend a lunch-and-learn on the theme “$afe Business, $mart Business” being delivered by the Workers Compensation Board of PEI (WCB) Wednesday, Jan. 31, at 12 noon at the Wellington Rural Action Centre.
Lori Wakelin, health and safety consultant with the board, will deliver the hour-long session to give participants an overview of how WCB rates are set, how claims affect rates, and the importance of having a good occupational health and safety program and a return-to-work program.
“Using two key principles, promoting workplace safety and returning injured workers back to work as soon and as safely as possible, you can help your business reduce your workers compensation claim costs,” she explains.
This session, to be delivered in English, is organized in collaboration with the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI and the Wellington Rural Action Centre. A lunch will be provided. The registration fee of $5 for Chamber members and $10 for non-members will cover the meal and the session.
Those interested must register no later than Friday, Jan. 26, by contacting Josée Ouellette at (902) 854-3439, Ext. 228, or at josee@rdeeipe.org.
CUTLINE: Lori Wakelin, health and safety consultant with the Workers Compensation Board of PEI.
For more information:
Raymond J. Arsenault
Acadian Chamber coordinator
(902) 854-3439, Ext. 231