EDMUNDSTON, N.B. – March 7, 2013 – Three people from PEI – including two representatives of La Coopérative d’intégration francophone (CIF) de l’Î.-P.-É. and a representative of RDÉE PEI’s LIENS project, had the opportunity to attend the Conference on Professional Integration of Immigrants to New Brunswick Feb. 28-29 in Edmundston, N.B.
Presented during the 50th anniversary of the foundation of University of Moncton, this forum offered an opportunity to build connections to ease the transition between immigration and successful bridging of newcomers to the profession or trade that best corresponds to the qualifications and skills that they have acquired abroad.
The 120 articipants discussed the issues that are an inherent part of the integration of immigrants, to better understand the roles and responsibilities of participating organizations and to identify possible ways to collaborate on making the transition easier for immigrating professionals.
Among the conference participants were representatives of the Canadian Embassy in Paris, the Canadian Embassy in Tunisia and the Pôle emploi international in Paris.
Earlier in the week, these representatives came to Charlottetown to host a lunch-and-learn with employers interested in learning more about the hiring of bilingual immigrants from France, Belgium, Tunisia and other countries. About 25 people attended.
CUTLINE: Among the participants at the Conference on Professional Integration of Immigrants to New Brunswick in Edmundston, N.B., last month, were, front row, from left, Jacinthe Lemire and Aline Cohen from CIF Î.-P.-É.; Madeleine Dubé, Minister of Social Development for New Brunswick; Caroline Decloedt from the Canadian Embassy in Paris; and Sabine Blanchet from the Pôle emploi international in Paris. In the back row are, from left, Christian Gallant from RDÉE PEI, Louise Van Winkle from the Canadian Embassy in Paris and Marie Pouliot et the Canadian Embassy in Tunisa.
For more information:
Christian Gallant
Development Officer, responsible for economic immigration
RDÉE Prince Edward Island Inc.
(902) 370-7333