WELLINGTON – April 16, 2020 – In these very stressful times of the COVID-19 pandemic, managers of businesses and organizations are facing a slew of new challenges that they have never had to overcome before. They are therefore invited to participate in a free webinar, in French, on the theme of “Managing Workplace Stress in Challenging Times”.
The interactive session, which will be delivered via the Zoom platform Friday, May 1, from 9 to 11 a.m., will be presented by mental health counsellor Josée Gallant-Gordon of Alma (formerly of Abram-Village). This webinar is the result of a great collaboration between the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI and the Wellington Rural Action Centre (who are organizing and promoting it) and the Réseau Santé en français ÎPÉ (who is sponsoring the workshop). Together, they want to do whatever they can to help owners or managers of businesses, co-operatives and organizations overcome the mental challenges of this crisis.
“Stress management in the workplace requires special awareness these days, with all of these new global uncertainties we are facing,” says Gallant-Gordon. “With business and organizational leaders at heart, the workshop will look at stress management through the lens of uncertainty. We’ll talk about needs and creativity in a world of connections, and then how to get to know yourself and nurture your communication style and that of your team. In addition, we will examine how to understand our fundamental cognitions in order to direct our goals in this new context, recognize our bodily reactions to stress, examine our challenges and nurture our opportunities. »
There will be ample opportunity for participants to ask questions.
Passionate about mental health and wellness, Josée Gallant-Gordon has made it her mission to support people in their internal discovery to bring about positive personal and professional change. A clinical social worker by profession, Josée received her master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Ottawa in 2007. She has worked in various capacities as a social worker and mental health counsellor at the provincial, community, school and private levels.
Pursuing her mission to support people in their growth and in wellness learning, Josée developed her private counselling practice, Elm Grove Centre, in Alma in 2018. Her centre offers a range of specialized services, highlighting the benefits of equine therapy. Delivered with the help of horses, equine therapy is a metaphorical and experiential team approach using a client-centered model.
To register for this free webinar, please contact Josée Ouellette at josee@rdeeipe.org by April 29th.
PHOTO: Josée Gallant-Gordon, mental health counsellor, will deliver a webinar on managing stress in the workplace for business and organizational leaders on the morning of Friday, May 1st.
For more information :
Raymond J. Arsenault
Activities coordinator
Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI