Lunch-and-learns to focus on wellbeing at work

With holistic health practitioner Denise Arsenault

Denise Arsenault lowresWELLINGTON, PEI – Feb. 26, 2014 – « Last year, we organized lunch-and-learns and courses on stress prevention that was mostly focused on people’s personal lives. This year, we’re concentrating our efforts on workplace well-being, » says Raymond J. Arsenault, coordinator of the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI (CCAFLIPE).

He explains that the Chamber, along with the Wellington Rural Action Centre and Actions Femmes Î.-P.-É., is first of all organizing two lunch-and-learns, again with holistic health practitioner Denise Arsenault, co-owner of the Health Within Holistic Centre of Charlottetown.

The first one will be held Monday, March 24, at 12 noon in the Rural Action Centre’s board room in Wellington; the second will be held Wednesday, March 26, at 12 noon in the RDÉE PEI boardroom at the Carrefour de l’Isle-Saint-Jean in Charlottetown.

The session leader will provide basic methods that can be used for people to be comfortable in their own skin at work and to manage stress and work responsibilities. Participants will learn, among other things, simple relaxation, breathing and visualisation exercises that can be done at work when one begins to feel out of sorts.

These lunch-and-learns will provide an overview of a series of three evening courses that will be offered by Denise Arsenault on April 7, 14 and 21 in Wellington for those who would like to pursue their learning about workplace wellbeing and stress prevention. Such courses could also be organized in the Charlottetown area if there is enough interest. It should be noted that participation at the lunch-and-learns in no way commits attendees to register for the evening courses.

The registration fee for the lunch-and-learns is $5 for CCAFLIPE members and $10 for non-members. To register, contact Jeannine Arsenault at (902) 854-2328, Ext. 228, or at no later than Friday, March 21.


CUTLINE: Holistic health practitioner Denise Arsenault will give two lunch-and-learns on workplace well-being, the first on Monday, March 24, in Wellington and the second on Wednesday, March 26, in Charlottetown.

For more information:

Jeannine Arsenault
Client information officer
Wellington Rural Action Centre
(902) 854-2328, Ext. 228

Raymond J. Arsenault
Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI
(902) 854-3665