DEBOIS – Jan. 17, 2019 – About 25 business people made their way to the Centre Acadien de Prince-Ouest in Deblois Jan. 16 to participate in the first-ever joint business mixer organized by the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI and the West Prince Chamber of Commerce.
After having mingled, enjoyed great finger foods and listened to lively Acadian fiddle music, participants heard a few words of welcome from the two Chambers and the hosting organization, the Conseil Rév. S.-E. Perrey. Attendees then saw and heard presentations on various business and employment initiatives: the Francophone Ignition Contest, the PERCÉ and LIENS Work Experience internship programs, the West Prince Stepping Stones to Success Program, the GoForth Institute Pilot Program and upcoming business-related events in West Prince.
Among the hosts and presenters at the event were, from left, Amy Blanchard-Graham, president of the Conseil Rév. S.-E. Perrey; Chérine Stevula, coordinator of the LIENS project; Pierre Gallant, spokesman for the Acadian Chamber; Tammy Rix, executive director of the West Prince Chamber; Alana Leard, coordinator of the Stepping Stones to Success program; and Stéphane Blanchard, supervisor of the PERCÉ program. Other sponsors of the event were RDÉE Prince Edward Island and the Wellington Rural Action Centre.