CHARLOTTETOWN – Oct. 3, 2013 – « When a newcomer is hired to work with us, it is normal to not be too sure how to integrate them into our work team nor necessarily to understand the cultural differences that this person may have brought along, especially if we’re talking about cultures that aren’t as well known in our communities, » says Catherine Rioux, coordinator of the LIENS project (whose French acronym means « Linking economic immigration to our successes »).
To help remedy this type of uncertainty, LIENS will soon offer an opportunity for the Island’s francophone organizations and businesses to learn, free of charge, the basics of cultural integration of new people into the workplace.
Lori-Ann Cyr, president of Diversis Inc. from New Brunswick, who has already presented several sessions on topics related to immigration over the past year on PEI, will be returning to the Island to present the workshop « Diversity in the Worplace 101 » twice on Friday, Oct. 25.
This training session seeks to inform and equip participants so they will:
• recognize/understand the various cultural components and qualities and skills required to maintain an intercultural workplace;
• recognize the advantages and challenges that the hiring of a culturally diverse workforce will bring about;
• prepare employers to integrate and retain a culturally diverse workforce.
The afternoon session, at the Centre Belle-Alliance in Summerside, is reserved exclusively for francophone organizations that are under the umbrella of the Société Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin. It will be delivered in collaboration with the Coopérative d’intégration francophone de l’Î.-P.-É. Registration is being done internally.
However, the morning session, at the Carrefour de l’Isle-Saint-Jean at 5 Acadian Drive in Charlottetown, is opened to all entrepreneurs and employers who understand French as well as to any people from community organizations who might be unable for the afternoon session. The workshop will run from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
To register for the morning session, contact Catherine Rioux at (902) 370-7333, Ext. 404, or by email at no later than Monday, Oct. 21. Registration is free since this session is offered through the LIENS project, which is funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
CUTLINE: Lori-Ann Cyr from Diversis Inc. will host two information sessions entitled « Diversity in the Workplace 101 » to facilitate the integration of newcomers into one’s place of employment on Oct. 25, in the morning in Charlottetown and in the afternoon in Summerside.
For more information:
Catherine Rioux
LIENS project coordinator
(902) 370-7333, Ext. 404