CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI – May 10, 2013 – Immigrants who settle on PEI often possess new and different skills, both technical and linguistic, that could very well help Island employers and entrepreneurs expand their markets to the international level.
That’s one of the key messages presented in a new video-clip, produced through RDÉE Prince Edward Island’s LIENS project (whose acronym stands for Linking Economic Immigration to our Successes) to encourage Island employers to consider the immigrant workforce as a source of qualified manpower.
The first official public screening of the video was held Friday, May 10, during a conference to launch various promotional tools produced through the LIENS project. More than 20 people were present to learn about the project.
The video, which lasts six minutes and 45 seconds, is available in two versions: French (which can be viewed at and with English subtitles (at
Among the video’s « stars » who provide testimonials on the necessity of considering immigrants are Premier Robert Ghiz, UPEI’s President Emeritus Wade MacLauchlan, Robert Maddix, president of the French Language School Board, Gabriel Arsenault, president of the Société Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin, Patrick Charles, software development manager for Deltaware, Sheila MacLean, coordinator of doctor recruitment for the province, and Isabelle Dasylva-Gill, former settlement, integration and recruitment officer for PEI’s Immigration Services.
Each presents his or her perspective on the question, outlining the many advantages and new perspectives, ideas and experiences that are gained by hiring newcomers.
Christian Gallant, development officer in charge of the Immigration sector with RDÉE PEI, reiterated the fact that if the province wants to retain its current level of services, it has no choice but to consider bringing in and hiring immigrants. PEI’s own population is currently incapable of meeting the current demands of the employment market. This situation can only get worse as the Island’s aging population retires and as its younger people continue to migrate to Central and Western Canada.
LIENS project supervisors hope that a large number of PEI entrepreneurs will get a chance to see the video-clip and that it will get them thinking about their current and future staffing needs.
The video’s concept was developed by Gallant and former LIENS project coordinator Angie Cormier, while the filming and editing work was done by producer Daniel Arsenault of Charlottetown.
The LIENS project and therefore this video were funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
CUTLINE: Christian Gallant, right, development officer responsible for the Immigration sector with RDÉE PEI, presents the DVD version of the new LIENS project video-clip to producer Daniel Arsenault, following its first public screening May 10 in Charlottetown.
For more information:
Christian Gallant
Development officer responsible for the Immigration sector
RDÉE Prince Edward Island
(902) 370-7333